Psoriasis is a triggered by an overactive immune system where the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells; the exact trigger is not yet known. The skin cells form too fast, and old cells can’t shed fast enough to keep up, and this creates the itchy, red, inflamed buildup of lesions, bumpy red patches covered with white scales, and has an appearance very similar to Eczema. In fact many people can’t tell the difference. The differences are; eczema is often reported as far more itchy, unbearably so psoriasis sufferers may feel a more burning sensation, along with the itch. And medical professionals say that psoriasis will be thicker and more inflamed (reddish) than eczema. Inflammation and redness around the scales is fairly common. Clinical manifestation is in hyperkeratinized, scaly patches usually silvery-white with erythematous areas that are clearly demarcated. Typical sites are the extensor surfaces of joints, the scalp, lower back and buttocks. Depending on severity, medical treatment is effective with keratolytic, anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin D analogues to inhibit proliferation or with immune-suppressants. Your skin has an acid mantle and a pH of 5.5. A healthy skin is mildly-acidic, and that’s what keeps it healthy! In particular for those who suffer with atopic dermatitis it becomes even more important to support this acid mantle with pH balanced skincare, as skin barrier malfunction can be the source of the skin problems.
- It is important that a mild soap-free cleanser adjusted to pH 5.5 is used to prevent further irritation.
- The stabilization of barrier function is the most important goal in skin care.
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