Cleansing Shower Oil 200ml

  • Soap-free conditioning shower oil for dry skin
  • Ideal for elderly people
  • Beneficial for people with psoriasis or eczematous skin condition
  • Highly effective skin care complex to protect against dehydration & dryness
  • Does not irritate skin
  • Leave the skin soft, hydrated & comfortable


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Sebamed Cleansing Shower Oil is a patented formulation containing 50% avocado oil which restores the hydrolipid balance of the skin. This refatting effect on the skin prevents further lipid erosion occuring during showering. This ultra mild soap-free shower oil gently cleanses the skin without causing dryness or irritation.

Sebamed Cleansing Shower Oil has a very fine, pleasant porous foam. Its non-greasy and will leaves no oily or greasy film on the bath floor. Rinses off with minimal effort. Esthetically pleasing, natural golden-amber colour because of its essential oils for those who like to use a natural way of cleansing.

Application: Moisten skin. Pour out a small amount of the cleansing oil. Apply and lather. Rinse.

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 6.6 × 4.3 × 16.8 mm
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